We believe in Compassionate Aging!
Compassionate Aging
Holds Sacred the Individual Spirit in all Stages of Aging
Practices Respect between the Generations
Recognizes the Wisdom of All Generations Caring for our Planet
Compassionate Aging serves as a contemplative response to current social pressures that are creating a hyper-fixation upon youth. While calls to reject ageism and ageist stereotypes attempt to counter the youth-only propaganda, they may further promote the false message of striving to be ever-youthful to an aging population.
Compassionate Aging reverses this defensive and resistive trend and reminds us that there are multiple stages and phases in life, each with its own value.
Compassionate Aging works to embody a genuine acceptance to the timeless adage of “aging naturally and gracefully.” We know that bodies age and cells do not regenerate indefinitely. By permitting the youthful aspect of ourselves to give way to an older sense of self, we gain more through the understanding that nothing is ever lost.
Compassionate Aging transforms our thinking about growing older, so our beliefs about ourselves can better mature along with our aging selves. New and different experiences build upon more, new and different experiences. Activity and Contemplation go hand-in-hand in the development of Wisdom.

Managed Geriatric Services by Champion Advocates LLC

- Nearly 90% of people over the age of 65 want to stay in their home for as long as possible!
- There are many complexities that often contribute to an aging person being prematurely placed in an assisted living facility, skilled nursing facility, foster care or another long-term care setting.
- Our aim is to help elders remain in their own homes!
How Can We Help?
As a geriatric case/care management firm, Champion Advocates LLC proactively addresses problem-issues that often lead to undesirable placement of a senior or aging couple out of their home. With over 45 years of expertise in senior services, we know how to help seniors Age in Place. Most of our case management clients have been able to remain in their own chosen home setting, often for years beyond any initial expectations.
Our Unique Approach
Since 2008, Champion Advocates LLC has developed what we call Action for Compassionate Aging!
Our team strives to help individuals and families achieve Compassionate Aging by discovering, understanding and addressing clients’ complex challenges. Our approach focuses on multiple aspects of eldercare management by looking beyond basic care needs to help improve overall health and wellbeing.

Home Safety
Innovating the home can offer simple solutions for better living.

Care Needs
Understanding what, when and how much care is needed.

Medical Advocacy
Helping you get the best results from your medical providers.

Financial and Legal Care Issues
Sorting out the details to keep life running more smoothly.

Health and Long Term Care Coverage
Knowing how to get the most from benefits and resources is key.

Dementia and Cognitive Issues
Caring approaches made practical for caregivers and care recipients.
Discover how our services can help you!
Baby Boomers Turn Age 65 Each Day
Seniors Need Long Term Services and Support
Million Americans Require Long Term Care
People 65+ Want to Remain in Their Home
Do These Questions Keep You Up At Night?
How do I pay for long-term care?
You are not alone in worrying about this. 48% of Americans 40 years old or older say that almost everyone will need long-term care as they age. At the same time, only 35% of those people asked say they have set aside money to cover these significant care costs.
Meeting The Challenge
Before looking at how to pay for care, it is essential to understand how much care is actually needed. People often over-estimate or under-estimate care needs. It is also common to misunderstand or be misled regarding eligibility for benefits. Don’t make the mistake of under utilizing benefits that have already been paid for. We can help you sort out the care you need and the resources that are actually available to you. That way, you can make informed decisions and set worthwhile goals regarding the direction you want for your life.
What can I do to prevent falls?
As reported by the National Council on Aging, more and more older adults fear falling and, as a result, limit their activities and social engagements. This can result in further physical decline, depression, social isolation and feelings of helplessness.
Meeting The Challenge
Many falls occur in the home, and everyone’s home setting is unique. A home is based upon the patterns of living established over a person’s entire life. Therefore, it is important to understand why and how rooms and other sections of the home have been set up and maintained – either efficiently or maybe less than optimally. Only then, can workable changes and modifications be made to the home and/or to a person’s routine within the home. Some simple organizational methods can remove the clutter that often cause falls. Other minimal safety strategies may include: improvements to lighting, the addition of railings, alternative furniture options and rearranging work stations. Sometimes, we advise clients to work with general contractors to implement our more involved home modification recommendations. Other times, a Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Orthotist or other medical professional will prove helpful in reducing the risk of falls. We work to identify what is needed for your unique home and way of living, and then we help you put it in place.
Is my doctor listening to me?
Doctors are not always the best listeners. Studies have shown that when patients start to talk, doctors tend to cut them off, usually after about 17 seconds. However, it has been proven that good communication is essential in receiving proper medical care.
Meeting The Challenge
Champion Advocates has developed a time-proven approach to communication with medical providers. Recognizing the vital role that physicians and other medical professionals perform, we work with providers as team members for the betterment of the health of our clients. We work to achieve our clients’ health and wellness objectives by: 1) employing a comprehensive Discovery Process 2) documenting significant issues into a person’s medical record and 3) using cross-communication methods throughout the entire continuum of care.
Is my Advance Directive going to work when I need it?
No one is too young to have an Advanced Directive for Health Care. It can speak for you when you are unable to speak for yourself. Make certain it can do as much as possible to preserve your wishes.
Meeting The Challenge
Multiple studies have shown that doctors have ignored Advanced Directives for Health Care in actual medical situations. This means that medical providers could be taking your medical care in a direction that you do not want, even in a direction that is contrary to your actual wishes. We have found that communication with providers can be a tricky and difficult issue also for the person you may have designated to be your “agent” in your Advanced Directive for Health Care. We work to help you clearly understand how to designate your preferences, so your wishes and goals have a good chance of being respected in difficult medical situations.
How much do I need to change my life for aging related issues?
Aging affects everyone; caregivers and care recipients. Often, many seniors move closer to younger family members. Sometimes, family caregivers move to be with a senior. However, there are other solutions that may offer better results for everyone.
Meeting The Challenge
Time and time again, we hear stories of families upending their lives to deal with family members growing older. We understand the concerns families face when confronting this challenge, as we too have been family caregivers. Family caregivers often believe by living closer to an aging loved one that they will prevent the need for institutional placement. Unfortunately, placement out of the senior’s home is usually the final result. By discussing the shared objective to ‘age in place,’ we can often help families find better alternatives than moving a senior out of their home to live with the family or a family caregiver moving in with a senior. When we talk with families before such a drastic move has been made, we can often prevent many of the mis-steps taken by caring families. We believe Compassionate Aging is the solution for older and younger generations, alike.
Is it possible to stay in my home for the rest of my life?
9 out of 10 Americans over 65 want to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Thoughtful and creative care planning can shape a person’s dream of “Aging in Place” into a real and practical possibility.
Meeting The Challenge
Rarely, does someone tell us that they want to leave their home to live in their children’s home or in a facility, no matter how nice it may be. We work to help boomers and seniors remain in their own homes for as long as possible by crafting care plans to achieve greater objectives than just finding a suitable assisted living facility with tasty meals. Boomers and seniors grew up with The American Dream of owning their own homes and of living out their lives in their homes. We work to honor that dream, when other professionals may not see a way to achieve it. Some of our most determined clients have not wanted to spend their final weeks, days or even hours in a medical care setting, so at the appropriate time we have helped to arrange the required end-of-life care to be provided in their homes. Aging in Place can be a real and practical possibility for many individuals and couples, when a dynamic and responsive plan has been designed and implemented.
Look No Further for Aging in Place Solutions.
Champion Advocates LLC, Geriatric Case Management Services
Serving Seniors in Beaverton, Tigard, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego and the Greater Portland Oregon Metro region. Serving Families across the United States.